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Monday, July 20, 2015

Season Leaderboard

Member Season $
Schlissberg / Ross $12,255,377
Mike Schaffer $11,308,171
Kevin Gunns $10,921,941
Andrew Cahill $10,707,514
Linda Sampson $10,405,119
Steve Galasso $10,258,976
Keith Lyons $10,022,377
Keith Hagen $9,977,801
David Gunns $9,623,738
Jeremy Sampson $9,585,234
Nick Lomax $9,311,550
Tom Lapka $9,214,627
Paul Mountain $9,127,717
Matthew Higgs $8,990,604
Ryan Burton $8,829,775
Jeremy Vasey $8,733,373
Daly / Lawson $8,696,113
Andy Frushour $8,661,167
Carlos Rosello $8,494,468
Geoff Kimmerly $8,465,473
Jeff Gutzman $8,121,161
Katie Burton $7,877,446
David Gwizadala $7,777,439
Broc Barnes $7,556,975
Eric Wills $7,343,294
Mike Oslund $7,275,470
Kurtis Kooiman $7,027,246
Jim Berkemeier $6,949,671
Michael Foote $6,795,399
Neal VanDyke $6,437,778
Kevin Ramsey $6,359,937
Gunns / Treiber $6,275,556
Jason Gatza $6,131,600
Scott Pierce $6,011,913
Brian Comroe $5,970,283
David Gwizadala Jr. $5,757,030
Fred Bojrab $5,687,186
Bill Anderson $5,682,151
Jeff Bartusick $5,502,878
Doug Fleming $5,091,105
Doug Byers $4,784,611
Jon Conklin $4,626,566
Cal Cameron $4,595,620
Ben Burke $4,448,056
Cory Gilbert $4,346,045
Groen / Doerr $4,280,102
Brandon Wheeler $3,979,346
Wes Whitney $3,307,266
Jason Bartusick $2,988,297
Chris McGovern $1,025,484
John Metcalf $824,269
Underlined - currently in e.o.y. playoff

The Open Championship (Earnings)

FFG'er Earnings
Katie Burton $1,919,855
David Gwizadala Jr. $1,360,714
Paul Mountain $1,186,620
Mike Schaffer $1,116,480
Andrew Cahill $1,082,632
Scott Pierce $1,082,632
Andrew Daly $1,075,956
Jeremy Sampson $1,009,882
Doug Fleming $929,564
Ryan Burton $929,564
Rob Schlissberg $922,888
Cory Gilbert $866,489
Matt Groen $866,489
David Gwizadala $684,128
Jason Bartusick $676,520
Nick Lomax $565,501
Brandon Wheeler $552,679
Jason Gatza $551,248
Kevin Gunns $551,248
Keith Lyons $522,021
Jeff Bartusick $503,857
Steve Galasso $489,604
Eric Wills $424,367
Geoff Kimmerly $408,358
Mike Oslund $398,180
Cal Cameron $378,585
Carlos Rosello $378,585
Andy Frushour $374,510
Kevin Ramsey $335,105
Doug Byers $328,429
Keith Hagen $322,698
Brian Comroe $308,445
Jon Conklin $308,445
Kelly Gunns $308,445
Matthew Higgs $288,850
Jim Berkemeier $282,174
Michael Foote $282,174
Fred Bojrab $279,218
Broc Barnes $270,194
Linda Sampson $269,325
Jeremy Vasey $267,921
Jeff Gutzman $216,143
Neal VanDyke $129,106
David Gunns $106,555
Chris McGovern $92,302
Bill Anderson $87,899
Tom Lapka $72,707
Ben Burke $66,031
Kurtis Kooiman $29,227
Wes Whitney $24,824
John Metcalf $0

The Open Championship Leaderboard (picks)

FFG'er Picks
Katie Burton Johnson, D/Reed, P/Johnson, Z
David Gwizadala Jr. Spieth, J/Fowler, R/Oosthuizen, L
Paul Mountain Rose, J/Oosthuizen, L/Stenson, H
Mike Schaffer Fowler, R/Scott, A/Oosthuizen, L
Andrew Cahill Johnson, D/Oosthuizen, L/Scott, A
Scott Pierce Johnson, D/Scott, A/Oosthuizen, L
Andrew Daly Oosthuizen, L/Casey, P/Scott, A
Jeremy Sampson Oosthuizen, L/Matsuyama, H/Stenson, H
Doug Fleming Johnson, D/Fowler, R/Oosthuizen, L
Ryan Burton Johnson, D/Oosthuizen, L/Fowler, R
Rob Schlissberg Fowler, R/Oosthuizen, L/Casey, P
Cory Gilbert Oosthuizen, L/Johnson, D/Woods, T
Matt Groen Johnson, D/Oosthuizen, L/Dubuisson, V
David Gwizadala Rose, J/Scott, A/Kaymer, M
Jason Bartusick Spieth, J/Scott, A/Woods, T
Nick Lomax Stenson, H/Garcia, S/Scott, A
Brandon Wheeler Johnson, D/Spieth, J/Walker, J
Jason Gatza Scott, A/Johnson, D/Rose, J
Kevin Gunns Johnson, D/Scott, A/Garcia, S
Keith Lyons Woods, T/Scott, A/Rose, J
Jeff Bartusick Spieth, J/Stenson, H/Snedeker, B
Steve Galasso Day, J/Johnson, D/Watson, B
Eric Wills Reed, P/Casey, P/Garcia, S
Geoff Kimmerly Fowler, R/Scott, A/Matsuyama, H
Mike Oslund Fowler, R/Garcia, S/McDowell, G
Cal Cameron Garcia, S/Stenson, H/Westwood, L
Carlos Rosello Stenson, H/Johnson, D/Rose, J
Andy Frushour Johnson, D/Scott, A/Matsuyama, H
Kevin Ramsey Johnson, D/Garcia, S/Poulter, I
Doug Byers Garcia, S/Snedeker, B/Casey, P
Keith Hagen Scott, A/Stenson, H/Furyk, J
Brian Comroe Johnson, D/Fowler, R/Scott, A
Jon Conklin Fowler, R/Scott, A/McDowell, G
Kelly Gunns Johnson, D/Fowler, R/Scott, A
Matthew Higgs Johnson, D/Scott, A/Stenson, H
Jim Berkemeier Scott, A/Stenson, H/Casey, P
Michael Foote Scott, A/Stenson, H/Casey, P
Fred Bojrab Fowler, R/Scott, A/Woods, T
Broc Barnes Johnson, D/Scott, A/Kuchar, M
Linda Sampson Johnson, D/Scott, A/Els, E
Jeremy Vasey Casey, P/Westwood, L/Scott, A
Jeff Gutzman Poulter, I/Scott, A/Dubuisson, V
Neal VanDyke Casey, P/Stenson, H/Fowler, R
David Gunns Stenson, H/Fowler, R/Snedeker, B
Chris McGovern Walker, J/Johnson, D/Snedeker, B
Bill Anderson Kuchar, M/Fowler, R/Woods, T
Tom Lapka Johnson, D/Stenson, H/Snedeker, B
Ben Burke Stenson, H/Snedeker, B/Casey, P
Kurtis Kooiman Johnson, D/Snedeker, B/Woods, T
Wes Whitney Kuchar, M/Watson, B/Woods, T
John Metcalf No Pick/No Pick/No Pick